Helicoplacus gilberti
Age: Lower Cambrian
Formation: Campito Formation, Montenegro Member
Location: Lone Pine, California
Size: Plate is 4.4 inches across
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This is an extremely rare echinoderm fossil. It is a detailed Helicoplacus gilberti from California Found in the Lower Cambrian, Helicoplacus is the EARLIEST unequivocally identifiable echinoderm.. Helicoplacus is not radially symmetric and has three fold symmetry, instead of the typical five fold symmetry of most echinoderms. .This rare, enigmatic animal has very distinct plate structure. This fossil displays great detail and contrasts well with the lighter-colored matrix. The distinct plate structure is easily seen under magnification. This specimen was found in 1971, and was recently acquired from a major fossil collection. And there is also a partial specimen on the left edge of the plate! This is a very collectible example of this important and very unusual Lower Cambrian echinoderm.